The Heroes of Tomorrow (HOT) Team is located in southeastern Michigan and is comprised of students from Milford High School (Milford), Lakeland High School (White Lake), and the International Academy West (White Lake) who are paired with mentors with similar interests from General Motors Proving Ground and Huron Valley Schools. The HOT Team’s mission is to inspire students’ interest in science and technology. The mentors and students work together to build products that are judged in FIRST Robotics regional competitions and the Championship Event. Products include a robot capable of playing a game designed by the FIRST Game Design Committee and documentation of the success of the team with multimedia technology. The HOT Team has been very successful and is recognized as one of the best teams in the world. We earned the FIRST Chairman’s Award in 2005, earning our team a place in the FIRST Hall of Fame.

Visit our Blog page to see our recent activities.

2025 REEFSCAPE: HOT Team Accomplishments

Milford District Winner – Autonomous Award Winner

Saline District:

2024 CRESCENDO: HOT Team Accomplishments

Milford District Winner - Excellence in Engineering Award Winner - District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist (Colin D)

Ann Arbor District Winner - Quality Award Winner

Michigan State Championship - Autonomous Award Winner - FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Colin D)

World Championship Milstein Division

2023 Charged Up: HOT Team Accomplishments

Milford District Winner - Engineering Inspiration Award Winner

Troy District Winner - Autonomous Award Winner

Michigan State Championship - Quality Award Winner

World Championship Galileo Division - Industrial Design Award by General Motors Winner

2022 Accomplishments