Spirit Wear Announcement!
The HOT Team fan gear website is now up to date and ready for orders! Spirit wear on this website is not mandatory to own, as all students will be receiving their shirts for competitions towards the end of build season. The HOT Team gear on this website is for students and fans to wear to competition, and there is also a trading shirt available. If you have any questions, contact Beth Beattie.
Second Week Summary!
In the second week of build season, the members HOT Team have continued to learn about different tools and programs and have continued to work on their projects for the robot. It is an exciting week as everyone is getting more involved and working together as one team.
Weekly Trivia
The answer to last weeks question of what was the original name and number of HOT Team 67 is Hyper Hex Offender 47, hence the H20.
[poll id=”4″]
The answer will be revealed on Saturday before lunch as well as in the next newsletter. Stay tuned!
Team 67 Progress!
Dear HOT Robotics parents, guardians, and supporters,
The HOT Team is now truly in full swing as the second week is coming to a close. Students and mentor alike have been working hard on their projects and are eager to continue their forward progress.
The Machining Team has continued making various parts for the robot this week. This week their focus was making parts for our robots axles, tapping and drilling, trying to make them as exact as possible. Along with making parts for the axle, machining has been preparing mount blocks and making the intake roller insert.
The Electrical Team has divided into groups to work on different project and advance our robot development even further. One group has been working to rewire our Casey bot, in order to make the removal of the CAN bench inside of it easier. They also have another group that is working on organizing kit of parts and ensuring we have all necessary materials. Along with these they have a pneumatic group that is working on hooking up pneumatic modules to the robot that will be used for programming to practice their code on.
The Programming Team has begun their first year of using Java to write the code for our robot. They have broken apart into groups in order to work on different robot systems, such as dashboard integration and drive. Along with this they have begun their program for the drive train, and are using a robot to test out the code that they have written so far.
The CAD Team has had a difficult week when it comes to their projects, due to a broken water jet, but have still been able to make forward progress getting parts that they designed built. They have been able to continue their 3D prints of various parts for the robot, as well as work on designing upper structures and subsystems.
The Field Build team is working hard on getting our practice field completed, so that we are able to test different aspects of the robot out to ensure their ability and efficiency is what we desire. They have been working on making the woodcutting parts for the different structures that are on the field and are used for game play. This week, specifically, they have been working on the Habitats (the raised platforms that the robots end on), the cargo ship (the center of the field structure that game pieces are placed in), and have begun the rockets (the two tall structures on the sides of the game field where game pieces are placed).
The Mechanical Assembly team has been working on the robots drive train, however wheel parts are in low supply, so they are working to salvage parts from past robots. Along with this they have been working on Versaplanetary gearboxes, to be used in a surprise element for our robot.
The Communications team has been doing various tasks this week to ensure things are ready for later in the build season. They have been working on finalizing the design for the Thursday competitions shirts, as well as the trading buttons. Communications has also been brainstorming ideas of how to reach out to past HOT Team members, in order to gain more data on where they went after HOT. Along with this, they have also started learning animation software and working on continually updating and adding to the website.
For more information and details on the team, below the dates of upcoming events, new member interviews, and photos of team members working. If you would like further information about the team, please visit the HOT Team website at http://www.hotteam67.org/, or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us at hot-team67@googlegroups.com.
HOT Team Communications 2019
New Members Interviews!
Many of the new members of the HOT team were asked, “Why did you want to join the HOT robotics team?”, and below are their responses along with their photo.
-Brendan Dale, HOT Robotics Electrical Team
Ian Kettenbeil (left), HOT Robotics CAD Team
“I thought it would be an interesting new experience.“
-Nolan York (right), HOT Robotics CAD Team

Group of students and mentors working together to test the code written for our robots drive train.

Brenden Londeau and Joe French working in the Machining shop.