Milford Event Information

Here are a few resources for the HOT team’s first event of 2019.

This event is free and open to the public, so come on in and cheer the HOT team to victory!

The event will be held at Milford High School.

All HOT team members Please go to Milford HS on Wednesday at 5:00pm to help set up the pits in the old gym, the competition field in the field house, and judges area. We need to come together as a team to make this happen.  Former team members, parents, friends and siblings are more than welcome to help too.

Don’t forget to vote in the poll! Poll ends March 7th at 11am.

[poll id=”9″]

Friday’s keynote speaker is Ken Morris, VP of Global Product Group and Cadillac. Ken will be speaking between 10:30 and 11:00

On Saturday, Sean Carlson will be speaking between 9 and 9:30. Sean is the Executive Director of Michigan Defense and is a Huron Valley School Board Member.

Social Media: Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook so you can tag us on any posts or pictures of the event!