Video Summary
Electrical – Brandon V
- Working on ball sensor testing
- Completing inventory and labeling
- Making the BOM
- Completing electrical panel wiring
- Making parts on CNC Router
Programming – Zach G
- Developing path planning with the practice robot
- Using color sensors to detect sensors on the color wheel
- Exploring vision targets to help our shooter aiming
- Fine-tuning our dashboard
- Writing controls for the ball indexer
Assembly – Eddie
- Finishing the intake and shooter on the practice bot
- Assembling the competition bot drivetrain
Communications – Joe
- Ordering buttons
- Submitting Woodie Flowers Award nomination
- Developing signs for competition
- Developing spirit flair
- Ordered Thursday uniform shirts and released a new 3/4 zip shirt for sale
Robot Skills/Field Build – Dhanush
- Learning new skills by finishing the frame on mini robot
- Making the hanging mechanism for the practice field
- Wiring the mini robot to learn electrical skills
Assembly – Cayla
- Working on sprock couplers
- Working on intake arm and pivot parts and shooter parts
CAD – Zach B
- Finalizing designs for drivetrain, intake, and shooter to send out to Machining subgroup
- Building skills with 2D-3D Modeling Conversion