HOT Days at Milford Memories 2022

Colin D- This past weekend, the HOT Team made its annual appearance at Milford’s summer art festival, Milford Memories. The team’s visitors could see the students’ accomplishments from the 2021-2022 season by watching their robot demonstrations and learning to operate several of the teams’ robots. They could try to shoot balls from the high school HOT team’s FRC robot, blow up balloon animals with the team’s friendly robot Casey, and have fun using the Oak Valley Steam Stinger’s FTC robot to drive around and pick up blocks. Beyond that, younger visitors enjoyed controlling robots from the elementary-level FLL (FIRST LEGO League), making (and sometimes popping) balloon animals, and making their own custom robotics buttons with the HOT team members! With the festival having ended, the team is delighted to have spent a beautiful weekend sharing their joy of robotics with such an amazing and supportive community. We’re excited for the upcoming school year as the summer leads to new robotics challenges for our high school and middle school students.