Community Ed Campers think Arduinos are HOT!

By Charles D

Over four days (July 18, 20, 25, 27), the HOT team taught elementary school students about electronics through a series of fun projects utilizing Arduino UNOs.

On day one, campers were given plenty of information on Arduino components and their applications. This day started off slow for the campers and the instructors, as the campers were just being taught the basics, but the day started to pick up when the campers started their first project. After learning how to navigate the Arduino editor program, the campers began their first project, making a blinking light with their Arduino kits. Campers learned about LEDs and using the pins on the Arduino board.

On day two, campers learned about RGB LEDs and how to use the editor to send signals to the LED to change its color. This project taught campers how screens work with data in our devices!

On day three, campers learned about sensors, one of the most essential parts of circuitry/electronics. Campers learned how to integrate buzzers, photoresistors, and tilt sensors into their circuits to make some pretty interesting projects! This day was a lot of fun for the campers because now they were learning how to make their Arduino do a lot more things.

On day four, campers learned to use buttons in their circuits to make a mini-arcade game. Many campers changed the difficulty of the game within the editor and even edited the circuit to make a buzzer play a sound when they won. This project was far more difficult than the others, so instructors were able to help the campers a lot and teach them even more about electronics and Arduino!

At the end of the last day, campers took home their Arduino kits to continue exploring and tinkering with the world of electronics.

While the camp presented some challenges in navigating Arduino for both the campers and the instructors, everybody learned new things and had a great time!

Thanks to those who attended and everyone who volunteered!