The programming team is one of the most essential subteams in HOT 67. The main programming language we use is Java. It is used worldwide and has many applications. We also use LabView to code our dashboard, which is a tool the drive team uses to check statistics while in a match.
Our programming team is split up into many subteams where we work on code in groups. These groups each focus on programming a different part of the code. Some groups may work on vision coding, and others may focus on autonomous driving for our robot. There is a place for everyone on programming.
If you would like to know about robotics programming in Java, check out this link.
The Programming team is split into four subgroups which specialize on their own coding sections of the robot
Main Robot Team – The Main Robot team is an all around category that covers all aspects and makes sure the robot is capable of making all the actions the code asks for from the other teams.
Vision Coding Team – The Vision Coding team builds code to understand what the robot “sees” on the battlefield using motion and light sensors.
Dashboard Team – The Autonomous Driving team works on the control of the robot on its own accord by fine tuning the response the robot takes from inputted controls. The team often uses spare controllers on the robots to test their progress.
Color Wheel Team – The Color Wheel team is unique for the 2019-2020 robotics competition. The challenge was getting the robot to spin a wheel to the correct coordinated color or to just spin the wheel a certain amount of times. The programmers would use light sensors to identify when the spinning motor would start and stop.
Scouting Data Team – The Scouting team would collect data from the Hot Team and other teams on the progress and results of the robot on competition day. This would help members alter the code to perfect our plays on the field.
Caleb Curry Java Tutorials
Bucky’s Java Tutorials
Hot Team Github page
Hot Team Coding Archive Files